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Containers for Change

We are thrilled to be part of the Containers for Change scheme for many reasons. Every action we take to reduce consumption of our earth’s resources will have a positive effect on our planet. For too long humanity has lived with the attitude that what we take from the earth will have an endless supply. This is not the facts. It is time for us all to respect what we take from the earth and use it wisely. Recycling is an essential way in which we can make this happen.

By making the effort to collect appropriate containers and take them to a recycling centre you can care for the planet and fundraise for KANE at the same time. Quoting our Containers for Change number C10274916 will help provide KANE with much needed income to support all our efforts.

As we watch our oceans being overrun with plastic and rubbish, our land be devastated by mining and deforestation, and our wildlife be burnt by fires, many of us can see our planet is being destroyed. Be a part of making a positive change.


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